
Debunking Azure Myths: Azure Doesn't Scale up to large VMs

A lot of myths and misinformation out there about what you can do with Microsoft Azure and what using Azure is like. I figured it was time to debunk some of these myths by talking to the engineering team to see what they have to say.

MYTH: Azure Doesn't Scale up to large VMs

People believe that the compute power in Azure is not anywhere near cutting edge and built for performance that demanding workloads require. I know this just isn't true, so I tracked down Kenaz Kwa, PM in the Azure IaaS Team to talk to him about all the options of compute families and what regions they are available in.

Check out the Azure VM Sizing and pricing page for details on VM sizes and region availability.

This is the Fourth video in a series of post about Debunking Azure Myths. Stay tuned for the next episode.

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