
GoingNative 14: Image Processing, Image Watch, Exceptions

You recently learned about Image Watch, a Visual Studio 2012 plug-in for visually debugging (watch window, locals, etc...) image processing code in C++. How does it work? What does the implementation look like (or how was it designed, how much modern C++ does it employ, how old is the code base, etc...). You can't talk about shared libraries in C++, ones that have been around for a while, without talking about exceptions. You either love them or hate them and the Image Watch developers have internal customers (devs inside Microsoft) that either love them or hate them... We geek out on that for a while, of course.

Overall, if you want to understand Image Watch more deeply and meet some great C++ developers who work at Microsoft doing very innovative things (in Microsoft Research, specifically) with C++, then this is for you! Rock and roll.

Big thanks to Wolf Kienzle and Matt Uyttendaele for riding tandem with the random with us.

Tune in!

[00:00] GoingNative(); // Charles and Eric Battalio construct the show
[02:54] Charles and Eric interview Image Watch developers Wolf Kienzle and Matt Uyttendaele [43:09] ~GoingNative();// Charles and Eric destruct this instance (no exceptions, of course).