
Workflow TV - Lab Introduction to WF4: Exercise 6 - WorkflowApplication

In this exercise, you will modify the host application to run your SayHello activity with WorkflowApplication and observe the threading behavior. You now have two requirements for your workflow.

  1. Return a personalized greeting
  2. Generate the personalized greeting on background thread

Using the "test first" approach, you will begin by writing a test that verifies your new requirement for the generating the greeting on a background thread.

Intro To WF4 Hands On Lab (Visual Studio Gallery)
Intro To WF4 Hands On Lab (MSDN Code Gallery)

Lab Exercises

  • Exercise 1 - Hello Workflow (video)
  • Exercise 2 - Refactoring Workflow (video)
  • Exercise 3 - The CodeActivity (video)
  • Exercise 4 - Dynamic Workflows with XAML (video)
  • Exercise 5 – Testing Activities (video)
  • Exercise 6 – WorkflowApplication (video)
  • Exercise 7 – If/Else Logic (video)