
CodeChat 016 - Chai Energy

This week on CodeChat, we're talking to a startup. Evan and Cole with Chai Energy are building a business out of helping home owners learning more about the energy use they're using at home. Is your refrigerator as efficient as it could be? Have the kids left all the lights on in the house. Chai will tell you that and more.

[00:50] What is Chai Energy?
[02:13] Where are you at in the startup process and how does it feel?
[04:00] Tell us about Microsoft Ventures
[04:53] Enough humility. Tell us about the results of the hackathon!
[05:19] Do Microsoft Ventures participants use all Microsoft software?
[05:53] Give us the details of Chai Energy now
[06:34] Tagging a toaster
[07:42] How about notifications of energy usage?
[08:07] How is it able to see the different devices?
[09:29] Does it detect devices generically?
[10:07] What are the devices that are hard to detect?
[10:59] Are you using machine learning?
[12:10] The dashboard
[14:38] What about privacy and security?
[17:15] Is this ready to go? Can I sign up today?
[18:01] How would I actually sign up?
[21:57] Looking at weather patterns
[22:41] What are the daily struggles with being a startup?
[24:59] Tell me about your team

[00:56] chaienergy.net
[04:05] microsoftventures.com
[26:35] jobs@chaienergy.net
