
The Maker Show: Episode 5 - Installing Windows 10 on a Raspberry Pi 2

In this episode of The Maker Show, we'll get Windows 10 up and running on a Raspberry Pi 2, and take a look at what it comes with out of the box. We'll examine setup with a display for the Pi, how you can get the system up and running in a headless mode through the Windows 10 IoT Core Dashboard and the Windows Device Portal, and take a look at the options that gives you. Finally, we'll connect through a remote PowerShell session and see what opportunities open up.

Timeline and Topics

[00:00] - Introduction
[00:20] - Overview
[01:04] - Accessories
[02:13] - Get Started with the Install
[02:45] - IoT Core Dashboard
[03:58] - Connect your Pi
[04:30] - Configuring your Pi and the Out of the Box Experience
[05:19] - Hello Blinky
[05:47] - Connect to the Network
[06:48] - Windows Device Portal
[08:08] - Connecting with PowerShell
[11:05] - Rebooting your Pi
[11:51] - Closing

Shopping Links

Raspberry Pi
Micro SD Card
Miniature Keyboard
7" Touchscreen
Touchscreen stand
Wi-Fi Dongle
Pi Tin Case

Developer Links

Windows IoT Page
Get Started with Windows IoT
IoT Core Default App Sample

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