
Getting started with CI/CD & Azure Container Service (AKS) powered by VSTS

with Jessica Deen

In this video we walk through, step by step, how to setup a complete CI/CD pipeline for Azure Container Service (AKS) and VSTS. You will learn how to build and push a Docker image to Azure Container Registry, and then use that image as part of your release definition where you create a deployment to your AKS Kubernetes cluster. If you are completely new to Kubernetes, this is the video for you. We use two simple commands as tasks to handle the deployment during release: kubectl run [deployment-name] --image [image-name] --port [application-port] kubectl expose deployment [deployment-name] --type=LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port [application-port] That's it! Try it out and tag me on Twitter (@jldeen) if you deploy your first container (pod)! Get started today with VSTS, visit: https://www.visualstudio.com/vsts

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