
Setup Azure SQL Database to use with Azure Static Web Apps [17 of 22] | Azure Tips and Tricks: Static Web Apps

Azure SQL Database enables serverless and hyperscale scenarios, all backed by the enterprise-grade SQL Server engine. This video shows how to setup the database and update your website, in this case a map with real-time bus data, to use it.

Complete learning path "Build serverless, full stack applications in Azure": https://aka.ms/Learn/AzureModernApps
Watch the full series: https://aka.ms/StaticWebAppsTipsC9

Extra resources:
- Learn Live video covering the learning path: https://youtu.be/XBxBC959tLg
- Data Exposed show (live and on-demand): https://aka.ms/azuresqlyt
- Azure SQL Fundamentals learning path: https://aka.ms/Learn/SQLFundamentals

