
Testing a model with scikit-learn | Even More Python for Beginners - Data Tools [23 of 31]

The model you build is based on the training data provided. Unfortunately, there can be issues with the results due to numerous factors. We of course want to see how well our model is working, which we can do by using testing.

Watch the Python for Beginner series here: https://aka.ms/PythonBeginnerSeries
For the Full 'Intro to Python' course on Microsoft Learn: https://aka.ms/MSLearnPython
All video content will available at: https://github.com/microsoft/c9-python-getting-started/
First series: https://github.com/microsoft/c9-python-getting-started/tree/master/python-for-beginners
Second series: https://github.com/microsoft/c9-python-getting-started/tree/master/more-python-for-beginners
Third series: https://github.com/microsoft/c9-python-getting-started/tree/master/even-more-python-for-beginners-data-tools

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