
Using AI image recognition for Scan & Go cashier-less checkouts

Watch this episode with Ruth Yakubu @ruthieyakubu and Chris Sampson, (CTO & Co-Founder of Tiliter), Paulwyn Devasundaram (Technical Product Manager) on how Tiliter is leading the way with their revolutionary deep learning, computer vision and AI technology  to identify products without barcodes from supermarket shelves.  Learn how Tiliter works with retailers to identify a variety of items like nuts, fruits and bakery goods across supermarkets globally.
An exceptional conversation with Chris Sampson, Co-Founder of Tiliter.  Their AI-driven solution offers supermarkets to automatically identify objects without barcodes, so consumers can avoid lengthy search menus, reduce shrinkage and packaging, and offer the customers a more convenient shopping experience with less touch-points. In this session, we will discuss how the company uses patented custom computer vision and AI on edge using Azure Container, Azure IoT Hub.

👩‍💻 Hands-on learning Resources:

  • Custom Vision: https://aka.ms/TELearnComputerVision
  • Build deep learning: https://aka.ms/TELearnDeepLearning
  • Computer Vision: https://aka.ms/TELearnCustomVision
  • Azure IoT Hub: https://aka.ms/TEAzureIotHub
  • Azure Azure IoT Edge: https://aka.ms/TEAzureIoTEdge
  • Azure AI on IoT Edge: https://aka.ms/TEAzureAIonEdge

📌Let's connect:

  • Follow Ruth Yakubu:  https://twitter.com/ruthieyakubu
  • Follow Tech Exceptions:  https://twitter.com/TechExceptions
  • Follow Tiliter: https://twitter.com/TiliterTech
  • Follow Chris Sampson:  https://twitter.com/cbrSampson

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