
AI Show Live | Explore Azure Cognitive Services while building the AI Playground web app | 18 JUN

Want to see what you can build with Azure Cognitive Services? Me too! Explore Azure Cognitive Services(https://aka.ms/WhatsNewCognitiveServices) while building the AI Playground (https://aka.ms/AIPlaygroundCode) web app with Ayşegül Yönet and Vanessa Diaz.

Join the discussion on Github: https://aka.ms/AIPlayground-Discussion

Azure Links:
Azure Cognitive DevRel latest links: https://aka.ms/DevRel/CognitiveServices
Create free Azure Cognitive Services Account: https://aka.ms/CognitiveServicesFree
AI Playground Github: https://aka.ms/AIPlaygroundCode
Cognitive Services Docs: https://aka.ms/CognitiveServicesDocs
Azure Cognitive Services Overview: https://aka.ms/CognitiveServicesOverview
Azure Cognitive Services face package: https://aka.ms/CognitiveServicesFaceSDK

Additional links from today's episode:
Artificial Intelligence for Developers | Microsoft Azure: https://aka.ms/AI4Devs
Computer Vision documentation: https://aka.ms/AzureAIComputerVision
Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors: https://studentambassadors.microsoft.com/
LowCode Cognitive Services - https://aka.ms/LowCode/CognitiveServices

Github CodeSpaces https://aka.ms/AIShowLive/CodeSpaces
VSCode LiveShare Extension: https://aka.ms/VSCodeLiveShare

Don't miss Ausegul's Best of Build Reactor event next Wednesday June 23rd at 9AM pacific!