
DevOps Lab | Increasing Collaboration with Communication: GitHub and Microsoft Teams

On this week's episode, Jay Gordon is here to walk us through how to use the features in Microsoft Teams to streamline communication when changes to GitHub repos occur. He'll demo how to improve collaboration and efficiency using the tools we have at our fingertips!

Jump to:
[02:52] Connecting GitHub to Teams
[11:37] Committing a change to GitHub
[13:42] Viewing notification in Teams

Learn more:
Collaborate in teams and channels with Microsoft Teams
GitHub Enterprise | Microsoft AppSource https://aka.ms/GHETeamsTDL
GitHub for Teams | Microsoft AppSource https://aka.ms/GHTeamsTDL
Next-level Collaboration with GitHub and Microsoft Teams

Azure DevOps Docs https://aka.ms/AzureDevOps/Docs
Azure DevOps YouTube https://aka.ms/AzDevOpsYouTube
Create your free Azure DevOps account https://aka.ms/AzureDevOpsStartFree

Follow April https://twitter.com/TheAprilEdwards
Follow Jay https://twitter.com/jaydestro

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