
Azure Backup Center - Monitor and operate

Hello Folks,

We are ITPro, Operation Specialist, Cloud Architects, backup admins....  Regardless of what label we tie ourselves to, we have a responsibility to ensure the proper operation and protection of the environments we are charged with. Included in those responsibility is ensuring we have proper backups, that we test and validate the quality.

This is the third of this series of posts about Azure Backup Center (ABC).

  • In the first two we explored the overall capabilities
  • In the second we took a deeper look at the governance tools

In this third article we will look at how you can use ABC to perform your regular operations, such as detecting potential threats by finding insightful information like soft-deleted or stopped backup instances at a quick glance. Track jobs across job states and operations from a single view.  Trigger any daily operation (one-time backups, restores, and even cross-region restores) from a single action center.


