
How to chain multiple PowerShell commands on one line

PowerShell one-liners sometimes are an easy way to achieve something quickly. There are cases where you might want to run multiple separated PowerShell commands on one line. This can be handy if you do copy pasting of commands or if you want to make it easy for the end-user when you need to troubleshoot something. In this blog post, we will look at how you can chain and run multiple PowerShell commands on one line using pipelines and chaining commands.

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📺 Agenda
0:00 Intro
0:27 Chain PowerShell commands
1:30 Pipe PowerShell
3:01 Single line
5:01 Chain Operators
8:41 Recap

⭐ About
Thomas works as a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft. He engages with the community and customers around the world to share his knowledge and collect feedback to improve the Azure cloud platform. Prior to joining the Azure engineering team (Cloud + AI), Thomas was a Lead Architect and Microsoft MVP, to help architect, implement and promote Microsoft cloud technology.
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