
Introducing Spatial operations for Azure Maps

with Olivier Bloch

The ability to analyze data is a core facet of the Internet of Things. Azure Maps Spatial Operations will take location information and analyze it on the fly to help inform our customers of ongoing events happening in time and space. The Spatial Operations we are launching consist of  Geofencing, Buffer, Closest Point, Great Circle Distance and Point in Polygon. We will demonstrate geofencing capabilities, how to associate fences with temporal constraints so that fences are evaluated only when relevant, and how to react to Geofence events with Event Grid. Finally, we will talk about how other spatial operations can support geofencing and other scenarios.

Check out all that's new in Azure Maps: https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/actuating-mobility-in-the-enterprise-with-new-azure-maps-services-and-sdks/
Tutorial on how to setup a geofence using Azure Maps at https://aka.ms/azuremapsgeofencingdoc Learn more about Azure Maps at http://aka.ms/azuremapsdocs

Tune in on March 6th on the IoT Deepdive: Location Intelligence for Transportation with Azure Maps https://aka.ms/iotshow/iotdeepdive/002