
All About Go Modules and Dependency Management: Project Athens and GoCenter

Baruch Sadogurksy (@jbaruch), Head of Developer Relations at JFrog, and Aaron (@arschles), Cloud Advocate at Microsoft and Project Athens Maintainer, talk all things Go Dependencies, Modules, and how and why GoCenter and Project Athens combine speed and immutability of builds for Go developers everywhere.

You'll learn the history of Go modules and the problems they solve, why Baruch thinks vendoring is the worst kind of forking, and how GoCenter, Artifactory, and Project Athens create a multi-layered cache – providing an additional layer of security and protection from failures, silent or otherwise.

[02:16] New dependency management system
[03:06] What Go Modules can do for you
[04:14] How the Athens Project started
[06:00] Why is immutability important?

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