
The Maker Show: Lecture - Intro to Fusion 360 API

Autodesk makes Fusion 360 - a 3D modeling application that's awesome for makers.

If your project involves some material design that you want to laser cut, 3D print, or mill, or even if you just want to visualize what your final product is going to look like, try Fusion 360.

In this Maker Show Lecture the topic is an introduction to Fusion 360's API. Instead of manually using the application UI to build or manipulate your parts, you can write code to do it. Now you're talking! Brian Ekins - the designer of the API - covers all the important topics.

You'll get an introduction to the supported languages - Python, JavaScript, and C++, a few tips about how to get started, and then a number of great example scenarios that really utilize the API.

[01:30] Why an API?
[04:19] Driving the Fusion Machine
[08:18] The API Object Model
[12:42] Current Modeling Functionality
[16:11] Future Functionality
[21:55] Choosing a Language
[28:32] API Basic Concepts
[37:56] Language Scripts Compared
[55:37] Demo: Mesh Slicing
[1:00:45] Demo: Melting Butter

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