
Improve Speed and Reduce Overhead with Containers in Windows Server 2016

Learn about how containers work in Windows Server 2016 and how they can be used to increase speed, workload density and decrease server overhead to create a more efficient server environment. Workload candidate and security options are also discussed to help you understand how containers may best fit in your server environment. Finally watch a demo using containers to setup a test environment with SQL vNext.

  • [0:56] What is a Container?
  • [2:52] Are we going to get faster speeds and better density with Containers vs. a Virtual Machine?
  • [3:34] What kind of density can consumers expect from Containers?
  • [6:04] So should everyone ditch Virtual Machines for Containers then?
  • [7:31] What about security? Are Containers as secure as Virtual Machines?
  • [10:57] DEMO: How to Deploy a completely Containerized version of SQL Server in Windows Server 2016
